img_1053It is customary in Jewish tradition to offer a Shehecheyanu, שהחיינו a blessing to thank God for enabling us to experience a new or special occasion.

The custom of the blessing is mentioned in the Talmud and has been part of Jewish customary blessings for centuries. Shehecheyanu covers a wide range of offering thanks for new or special occasions from blessing the start of holidays, hearing the sound of the Shofar, lighting Hanukkah candles to eating the new fruit of the season. Shehechenyanu is recited by reading the blessing, or singing the verse using one of the many musical melodies.

Tonight is a very special occasion — the first time in American history a woman presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will represent one of the two major political parties in the first 2016 Presidential Debate. If you are watching the debate by yourself or with friends you can recite, or sing Shehecheyanu using a recognized melody or one of your choice.

Here is the Shehecheyanu  שהחיינו Blessing:

Our praise to You, Eternal our God, Sovereign of all
for giving us life, sustaining us, and enabling us to reach this special occasion

And let us say, Amen!