Monthly Archives: December 2018

We Must Choose Sides: Parshat Sh’mot by Ayala Emmett

You would think that to attack a minority community for political purposes would take time, preparation, and an extensive culture change. When we make claims to expand human rights, for example, we often get a response that we need time. Cultures, the argument goes, change slowly. To give women equal rights has taken a really long time. During that time the police arrested women, the legal system imprisoned them, politicians mocked them. To end slavery we had a civil war. And we needed even more time for “culture change” to end segregation. The common narrative has been that to make change, time is needed so that people would get used to new ideas. Indeed, American women are still waiting for 38 states to ratify the ERA. read more

A Father’s Regret and Redemption in Parshat Va-Y’hi by Ayala Emmett

What does a father do when he realizes that he has favored one of his children and created sibling rivalry and hatred among them? When it comes to favoring a child, most parents would claim that they treat all their children equally. Yet children may feel and experience the relationship differently. Some may feel special, while others feel less appreciated and not loved enough. Parents may be unaware of their own actions when they single a child by showering favors, or praises that make other sibling feel envious, slighted and resentful. read more