Monthly Archives: January 2023

“For the sake of Zion I will not rest” by Matia Kam

Our brothers and sisters in the United States, our partners in the Jewish destiny and the values of the State of Israel:

Please join us in the decisive struggle to preserve the Jewish and democratic character of the state, which was established 75 years ago and inspired by the prophets and with the aim of shaping a Jewish state based on the values of justice and ethics, which are the foundation of our existence: “Zion in judgment will be redeemed and those who return to her – in justice” (Isaiah 1:27). read more

Every Time I Meant To say ‘No’ – I Remembered Shunamit By Matia Kam

Shunamit at her workplace, Hadassah Hospital, 2022.

“Every time I meant to say no– I remembered Shunamit and said: ‘OK, Let’s’ give it a try….’” This was the brief and delightful message with which the principal summarized Shunamit’s eight years at Etzion, an extraordinary school for children with special needs. An eight-year educational journey that was complex yet insightful for the school staff, for Shunamit and for us; it began on the verge of rejection. Shunamit was accepted to the school but with a huge question mark. The school’s principal, with her humane and educational sensitivity, saw the difficulties and the looming hurdles, yet listened and saw potential and possibilities. She carefully read Shunamit’s therapeutic report and heard us. Shunamit was sitting in the room with her large green eyes, two braids framing her face. Was there a chance? read more