
The Jewish Pluralist is a digital publication engaged with living traditions of Judaism and the contemporary problems of both Jewish and non-Jewish life in America and Israel, locating itself within the long history of Jewish concern with justice, peace, and human dignity.

This digital publication is an invitation to question conventional divisions between secular and Jewish ethics of justice and to highlight the deep connection between being devout Jews and being committed to an inclusive/universal ethic of justice anchored in Jewish tradition.

The publication offers a space for pluralism that recognizes both a shared historic heritage and the different life experiences of Israelis and Americans that shape their respective concerns with ethics, politics, culture and social commitment.

The Jewish Pluralist publishes articles, fiction, art and poetry on diverse topics that reflect contemporary life and a wide range of human concerns.

The material published on this site is shaped by ideas of pluralism, justice, peace, and human dignity.

Clip art for our categories comes from Easy Vectors.