Saturday March 7 2015
Rabin Square Tel Aviv
Under the banner “Israel Wants Change,” tens of thousands (estimates run from 40,00-80,000) Israelis came out last Saturday to Rabin Square in Tel Aviv to register their opposition to Netanyahu’s policies. Coming into the square was a group of some forty retired soldiers and commanders of all ranks of the Armored Brigade that was the first to cross the Suez Canal in 1973. These veterans’ message was to engage in a peace agreement with Palestinians. As the veterans approached from behind the large crowd they wondered how they would make their way to the stage. According to Michal Herzog who was there, she said, as a citizen for change, the veterans presence electrified the rally and turned it into the most moving moment: as people saw them carrying their 1973 Veterans’ posters, the crowd parted to make way for the veterans, cheering and applauding as they walked to the stage.