Thoughts on Gaza
Peter Eisenstadt
The best-known story in Tanach about Gaza is of course the story of Samson. One can read the story of Samson, alternatively, either as an allegory of the futility of strength and power, or of the futility of weakness and powerlessness. (I think of that line from the Peter, Paul, and Mary song from the 1960s, if I had my way in this wicked world, I would tear this building down.) And not much has changed.
Of all the insoluble problems of the Israel-Palestine conflict, Gaza is perhaps the most intractable. The problem with the West Bank is that everyone wants to live there. The problem with Gaza is that no one wants to live there, least of all most of its residents, most of whom are descended from Palestinian refugees from 1948, and who have been trapped in Gaza for many years. I dont know how, precisely, the occupation of the West Bank will be resolved, but it will no doubt be some sort of partition and shared sovereignty. I have no idea how the problem of Gaza will be resolved. read more