Balaam—by Barbara D. Holender

Barbara D. Holender

“Come and curse this nation for me”
(Balak, Num. 22:6)
“Since God has blessed them, I cannot reverse it.”
(Balak, Num. 23:20)

How can I tell you what came over me?
Not that the beast found her voice–
any simple sorcerer can pull that trick–
but that I, the most articulate of men,
lost mine. It was as if a spell seized me;
my mind was perfectly clear, I knew
exactly my mission and, being practical,
I always find for the one who pays my rent.
It was my own mouth betrayed me. read more

“Zionism Unsettled” Creates Zionist Demons—by Michael Aronson

Zionism Unsettled
Creates Zionist Demons
Michael Aronson

The central fault of Zionism Unsettled, the Presbyterian Church’s recently published teaching and discussion tool on the Israeli-Palestinian occupation, is the lofty goal it sets for itself. In trying to answer the question, what are the problems of Zionism, it finds itself trying to answer another, fiercely difficult question, what is Zionism, in absolute terms in order to back up its claims. The problems are conflated with the phenomenon such that the phenomenon becomes the problem. read more

What Shunamit Wants People to Know About Her Life—by Ayala Emmett

What Shunamit Wants People to Know About Her Life

Ayala Emmett

My niece Shunamit, nicknamed Shuni, a young woman with disabilities wrote what she would like people to know about her life: “I am 36 years of age. I work in Jerusalem at Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus as a support person in the daycare center for chronically ill children. I am well liked at work, I learn and I improve, I am content and I do my job well.”

Shunamit left standing, at Hadassah hospital with staff
Shunamit left standing, at Hadassah hospital with staff

Her biographical work-narrative would not surprise people in the U.S., in Israel and in many countries where work is seen as an integral part of defining adulthood. For people with disabilities like Shunamit, however, participation in the workplace is far from taken for granted and was brought about by an innovative program initiated by The Feuerstein Institute. read more

The Single Most Important Event in Human History –by Peter Eisenstadt

The Single Most Important Event in Human History
Peter Eisenstadt

What was the single most important

event in all of human history? There certainly are a number of plausible candidates, but I had to pick a discrete “event” happening at one particular time, it might be the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo, the somber centennial of which we are remembering this weekend. (Somber except in Sarajevo itself, where the local Serbs, demonstrating that they have learned nothing and forgotten nothing in the intervening century, decided it was a good occasion for a party.) read more

Primary Day in Mississippi –by Peter Eisenstadt

Primary Day in Mississippi
Peter Eisenstadt

It was primary run-off day in South Carolina on Tuesday. We voted in a storefront church in a strip mall. In South Carolina, there is no party registration, so you can vote in either the Democratic or Republican primary, but if there is a run-off, you are obliged to vote in the same party you voted for in the regular primary. This was not an especially noteworthy primary. South Carolina has a lot of elected officials, which might sound like a good thing, but since most people if they care about politics at all, focus on the top of the ticket, it becomes an exercise in sham democracy. Not many people showed up, no more than 10% of eligible voters, for a run-off between candidates for Superintendent of Education, and Adjutant-General, whatever the hell that is. But we did. read more

Avodah– a poem by Barbara D. Holender

Barbara D. Holender

Delight, O our God, in Your people Israel.
See how our souls mirror Your presence.

Let our yearnings be as words of praise
and our strivings as works of love.

Shower us

with compassion

we reach out

to You.

Ever-returning God
keep watch over Zion.

On The Presbyterian Church Resolution—by Peter Eisenstadt

On The Presbyterian Church Resolution
Peter Eisenstadt

Before it becomes old news, a few words on the decision of the Presbyterian Church, USA last week to divest their holdings from a select group of companies that sell military equipment that Israel uses on the West Bank. This has created an enormous volume of commentary. Jewish groups, from J Street rightward, including the Reform movement, have condemned the action of the Presbyterian Church. BDS has become a new litmus test for the American Jewish community, and there are many who feel that unless they condemn the actions of the Presbyterian Church, they will lose their standing in the American Jewish community. The fear is understandable. read more

Response to Pastor Ludwig—by Richard Rosen

Response to Pastor Ludwig
Richard Rosen

I found the Presbyterian statement and the letter from Drew Ludwig appropriate and I am glad they took this step. Rabbi Jacobs really was responding to other Presbyterians: the unfair label of apartheid and underlying antisemitism. While I deplore accusations that are not well founded and do indeed suggest an anti-Semitic agenda, I support their actual action: divestment of stock in the US corporations that trade with Israel

for the specific purposes of using their products in the execution of West Bank actions against Palestinians, which I believe to be impediments to progress toward a negotiated two-state solution. Although the label of apartheid is unfair, (if we accept South African apartheid as the definition of that word), it cannot be denied that tools such as divestment and boycott were effective in persuading the South African government to peaceably work toward a democratic pluralistic state, however flawed the end product may be. read more

Divestment: A Reply to Jewish Friends—by Drew Ludwig

Divestment: A Reply to Jewish Friends
Drew Ludwig

The General Assembly deliberated for quite some time, and was careful as to what we were doing, and to what we were saying–and not saying. I was there, and can speak to the prayer and thought that went into this action.

We are

not divesting from Israel, nor are we labeling Israel an apartheid state. We also acted to clearly state that this action is not an endorsement of, or participation in the BDS movement.

Instead, we have chosen to divest from three particular companies that are not in line with our pre-determined strategy of non-investment in military technology. Our MRTI team (Mission Responsibility Through Investment) team has not only investigated these technologies, but has also engaged each of the companies in an attempt to bring our investments back in line with our values–repeatedly–to no avail. read more

Divestment: A Reply to Jewish Friends—by Drew Ludwig

Divestment: A Reply to Jewish Friends
Drew Ludwig

The General Assembly deliberated for quite some time, and was careful as to what we were doing, and to what we were saying–and not saying. I was there, and can speak to the prayer and thought that went into this action.

We are not divesting from Israel, nor are we labeling Israel an apartheid state. We also acted to clearly state that this action is not an endorsement of, or participation in the BDS movement.

Instead, we have chosen to divest from three particular companies that are not in line with our pre-determined strategy of non-investment in military technology. Our MRTI team (Mission Responsibility Through Investment) team has not only investigated these technologies, but has also engaged each of the companies in an attempt to bring our investments back in line with our values–repeatedly–to no avail. read more