The Caravan of Hope To the US Border

An email from Pamela Yates to

We are on the ground with the caravan as they cross through Guatemala and approach the Mexican border today, traveling along the coastal road to Tapachula, Chiapas.

The caravan has swelled. The Guardian is reporting that there are now 3000 people.

As you may have read, the Mexican government has sent 500 Federal Police to the Guatemalan/Mexico border, and Trump is threatening to send US Army reinforcement to the US/Mexican border.

I know this a little off topic, but I thought the visual information could help all the OTG people in the US when preparing to receive people. If they are allowed to cross.

Let me know if there are any other kinds of visual information that you may need in preparing cases. These are just our crew’s cell phone photos. The filmed footage will be better and more explicit.