A Vote for HATIKVAH is a Vote for Liberty, Justice and Peace by Ayala Emmett

Dear Friends,
I’m proud to be on the HATIKVAH: Progressive Israel Slate running for election in the World Zionist Congress. These elections take place once every five years, and the current one ends in four days. I am asking you to support me, to support the HATIKVAH slate, and to support an Israel that lives up to our progressive values.

We on the HATIKVAH slate are no longer willing to cede it to those whose narrow right-wing views have not brought Israel safety and security, nor do they represent our Jewish values.

We are inspired by Israel’s Declaration of Independence –which proclaimed the State “will be based on the precepts of liberty, justice and peace as taught by the Prophets; and will uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens, without distinction of race, creed, or sex; and will guarantee full freedom of conscience worship, education and culture.” Our commitment is to democracy and the rule of law, believing that all citizens of the State of Israel must be treated equally, with full civil and human rights. We oppose the policies of discrimination, fear, and tribalism.

We fiercely oppose the current policy of occupation and annexation. It is unjust and, left unabated, will end Israel’s democracy. The Jerusalem Program calls for a Jewish and Democratic state of Israel. Unlike some of the other slates running in the World Zionist Congress election, we are committed to both of these foundational elements, and as such, believe that a two-state solution is essential for securing Israel’s future.

The HATIKVAH slate is made up of eleven national Jewish organizations and an incredible list of rabbis, social and environmental activists, academics, artists and numerous leaders. Ours is the first and only slate to have dedicated seats for Jews of Color, a part of our community that for far too long has been ignored by our institutions. On the HATIKVAH slate you will find labor union presidents, LGBTQ champions, our nation’s most prominent #MeToo lawyer, youth movement leaders and Israeli army veterans.

We have come together to run in this election in order to be the megaphone for the millions of America Jews who share those values and to bring their voices to Jerusalem.

Please join us at https://www.hatikvahslate.net/