Act Now to Stop Annexation by Partners for Progressive Israel

Dear friends,
We hope you and your families are well and are succeeding in escaping the reach of Covid-19. Now we are also grieving the brutal murder of George Floyd. We hope that his death will not be in vain and racial justice will prevail here.  But in Israel there are also ominous events proceeding in spite of the pandemic and our own domestic convulsions—and we at Partners must do our part to stop them.

As you know, Bibi Netanyahu’s new government was sworn in earlier this month and annexation is on its agenda. As of July 1st the government can take steps to annex parts of the West Bank. We have to stop it. Partners for Progressive Israel has one primary policy goal now: STOP ANNEXATION!

Partners has set up a FUND AGAINST ANNEXATION, which will keep our voice loud and clear during these crucial months.

Donate Now & Double Your Gift!  We have received a generous gift that will match each contribution to the Stop Annexation Fund dollar for dollar up to $12,000 between now and July 1st.

In addition, the first 25 donors of $180 or more will receive a copy of the best-selling novel, Apeirogon, by Colum McCann, which shares the story of bereaved fathers and Parents Circle Co-Directors, Rami Elhanan and Bassam Aramin. It is a first edition copy of the book and signed by the author.

You ask: what can we do to stop annexation? We are working with our partners in the Progressive Israel Network to build opposition among American Jews and others. We are supporting Meretz and other courageous Israelis who are fighting against the new government’s plans. We are hosting programs, including webinars with Palestinians, Israeli Arabs and Israeli Jews.

Annexation is not a done deal! It can be stopped! 

Contribute NOW to our FUND AGAINST ANNEXATION to make your voice heard in this struggle. Israel’s future as a democratic and liberal state hands in the balance!

Remember, our matching fund doubles your gift and a $180 contribution gets you a copy of Apeirogon.

Thanks for your continuing support.

Paul Scham                              Karen Shapiro
President                                  Vice President