Biden-Harris Elected November 7, 2020 by Ayala Emmett

Every morning, for the last few months, I would open my door to see that the Biden-Harris lawn sign was intact.  Signs have been destroyed in my town and all over our country; each night I would leave the lights on to protect the sign. Each morning I was happy to see it. We bonded in protection.

Millions of us took part in supporting the democratic candidates determined to protect Democracy in America. We wanted to do everything in our power to bring an end to the nightmare of a corrupt presidency.

Today is a lovely sunny day in Rochester NY and we feel that a cloud of depression has been lifted. People exhaled, cheering and congratulating, celebrating in the streets here in upstate NY and all over this country. There may be some tough days and weeks ahead of us but there is light at the end of the current despotic regime. The world knows it too.

Much has been written on the calamity of the last four years. Much more will be written. Today, November 7, 2020 is a celebration. I got an extra I Voted Today  sticker for Susan B. Anthony and until today I was afraid to place it on her gravestone, afraid to relive the 2016 sorrow. Today was the day for a pilgrimage to the woman who got women the vote in 1920 to tell her the good news of Kamala Harris making history. Our very first black woman VP daughter of immigrants and all the girls in America can see themselves in her.

Today is our day of gratitude for all the millions who were determined to elect Joe Biden as President and Kamala Harris as Vice-President. We the people are so proud of both President and Vice President elect. We are overjoyed at the prospect of the future with you in the White House. America won!

I cut the last roses in my garden and put them in a vase in front of the Biden-Harris sign. I will leave the lights on tonight and go to sleep with such joy and hope. And so will America.