Mobs Urged by Trump Attack the Capitol by Ayala Emmett


Our country and the world are watching, fearfully and stunned, the attack of pro-Trump supporters invading the Capitol building. Today, January 6, 2021 a wild crowd following Trump’s unhinged call earlier to “Stop the Steal” invaded the building where top political leaders of this country have gathered today. Lawmakers have gathered in a joint session to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory. The terrifying mob streamed into the building threatening the joint session of Congress including the Vice President, the Speaker and the leaders of the Senate. The mob endangered  lives and democracy.

Trump’s unhinged behavior has brought shame on this country for four years. Yet today is unbearably heartbreaking as we watch helplessly the sight of violence. As I write about this chaos aggression, the situation is still volatile and my hope joins the prayer of Americans that this invasion of the Capitol will end soon, safely and without bloodshed, and that Trump will  held responsible.